The public transport museum is located at Kootsekade 19, Rotterdam 3051PC
During the opening hours heritage trams and buses provide transport to and from the museum. The fare is included in your museum ticket.
You may buy your ticket in advance (klick) or after arrival in the museum at the desk.
Timetable of the special services by heritage tram and bus will be publised in March 2025.
To the museum by public transport:
From Central Station and city center tram 4 direction Molenlaan or tram 6 direction Kleiweg. Get off at Kootsekade tramstop. Timetables:
Rotterdam Noord trainstation (served every 30 minutes by ‘Sprinter’ Rotterdam C – Amsterdam C, VIA GOUDA) is at 700ft distance.
To the museum by car:
Motorway A20, exit 14, from there 1 mile. Paid parking in the whole district.
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Website developed by SIER Activiteiten